Chiropractor Laurel, MD

Chiropractor Laurel, MD

If you have been looking for a chiropractor Laurel, Maryland residents trust, then look no further than AmeriWell Clinics. There is a good chance that you are experiencing some kind of physical pain and are in need of relief. Perhaps you have tried other treatments, albeit unsuccessfully, or were prescribed strong painkillers, but you are seeking a better solution. On the other hand, you might prefer a natural form of pain relief. Regardless of your reasons, AmeriWell Clinics are glad you have made it this far.

For years, we have been treating patients who are suffering from back pain, stiff neck, car accident injuries, and other musculoskeletal problems. We understand how debilitating these injuries can be, and would like to assist you in finding the relief you are looking for. Guided by years of experience, research-backed techniques, and a dedication to both our patients and profession, we are ready to help you.

For a consultation with a chiropractor, please call AmeriWell Clinics today. We are accepting new patients.

What Your Chiropractor is Looking For

During your visit with a chiropractor, there are lcertain things they will be looking out for. The initial clinical exam usually includes patient history and symptoms, the exam itself, and diagnostic testing. These four steps will provide your chiropractor with the information he or she needs to diagnose you and create a personalized care plan.

Patient History and Symptoms

You will be asked to fill out forms which provide medical background information and details about your symptoms. Examples of questions we may inquire about include when the pain began, where the pain is felt, the intensity of the pain (sharp, throbbing, dull, burning, etc.), if an injury caused the pain, what you have tried to alleviate the pain, and what activities make your symptoms worse.

The Examination

A chiropractor that is thorough in your examination will perform general tests, assess blood pressure, check your pulse, and anaylze your reflexes. Neurological and orthopedic tests may be utilized to check range of motion, muscle strength, muscle tone, and neurological integrity. Your chiropractor will examine the spine, joints, and muscles related to your symptoms in order to figure out what treatments could provide you with the relief you are hoping for.

Diagnostics and Testing

Depending on your history and the exam, diagnostic tests may be useful in identifying abnormalities in the body structure. An x-ray is the most commonly used diagnostic tool during the first chiropractic examination, and can help diagnose trauma, spondyloarthritis, and spinal deformities (such as scoliosis).

An x-ray will only be recommended if your chiropractor strongly feels like there is good reason to get one. There are risks of radiation exposure during the x-ray, so your chiropractor will limit it to cases where they are medically necessary. An x-ray will help show the structure and health of the bones, but not so much more muscles and soft tissues. So if damage to soft tissues is suspected (like a nerve compression, torn muscle, or disc problem, an MRI scan may be advised.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The findings from the above steps will be used to determine a diagnosis. After this is established, your chiropractor can decide if your condition would respond well to chiropractic treatment. Some conditions, like tumors, infections, or fractures, may not benefit from the chiropractic approach, and may require a visit to a physician.

Making an Accurate Diagnosis

Like any other medical problem, the first step towards effective chiropractic treatment is getting an accurate diagnosis. When you visit a chiropractor at AmeriWell Clinics, we will utilize a broad range of diagnosing methods to determine what is causing your pain. These may include orthopedic testing, an assessment of your posture, neurological tests, MRIs, X-rays, and more.

Bear in mind that we will do our best to diagnose you without asking you to have a scan or X-ray. Whether or not you will need this test will depend on your own set of circumstances. Depending on what we discover will depend on whether we will be able to treat you. For instance, sometimes patients will be better suited to another form of care, or we might also recommend certain therapies that compliment your chiropractic treatment. This strategy enables us to provide you with a well-rounded form of medical care that is balanced and whole.

4 Questions To Ask a Chiropractor Before Treatment

Chiropractic treatments are generally quite safe. However, if you have never before had a therapeutic session from a chiropractor in Laurel, MD, you may be unsure about some things. Do not enter into treatment wondering about points you have a right to understand. Here are four questions to ask a chiropractor before you choose to undergo treatment.

  1. What Is Your Treatment Approach or Philosophy?

The overarching philosophy of chiropractic is a vision that total organism health cannot be separated from spinal well-being. There are two specific points within the chiropractic philosophy:

  • Proper function depends upon proper structure.
  • The body inherently seeks balance between all systems.

The idea is that the spine is the foundation of a healthy musculoskeletal system. A chiropractor seeks to bring your body’s various systems into alignment by positioning the spine correctly. In addition, chiropractors also seek to relieve localized pain and discomfort. A skilled chiropractor in Laurel, MD, will develop a plan for treatment based on opinion derived from the current field of knowledge.

  1. Do you Utilize X-Rays?

These diagnostic tools are effective at revealing small fractures, bone deformities, or other underlying conditions that are contributing to your pain. Chiropractic professionals who use X-rays are demonstrating a high level of care for patients. Using X-rays shows they want to find the best method of treatment for each individual rather than follow a one-size-fits-all treatment plan.

  1. Do you Provide At-Home, Preventative Suggestions?

Look for a chiropractor whose therapeutic plan for you goes beyond manipulation and other in-office treatments. An effective chiropractor will focus on a holistic approach, meaning that therapies you can do at home are part of the treatment approach. Furthermore, seek out a chiropractor who explains to you not only what is causing your pain but also why you are feeling discomfort.

  1. What Techniques do you Use?

Each chiropractic professional has a specific technique and favors certain treatments. Not all are effective for every cause of pain. The general techniques include:

  • Flexion Distraction – Treats lower back and lumbar pain. Involves manual manipulation.
  • Activator Method – Treats pain in extremities, neck, and back. Uses an instrument for treatment.
  • Gonstead Technique – Adjusts pelvis and lower back. Manual.
  • Graston Technique – Seeks to loosen muscle knots with stainless steel tools.
  • Spinal Manipulation – Manual.
  • Extremity Manipulation – Manipulation of areas such as knees and shoulders.
  • Thompson/Drop Technique – Table lowers and vibrates as chiropractor treats spine.

The right techniques from a chiropractor in Laurel, MD, can often bring you relief.

A knowledgeable chiropractor will be happy to answer questions and explain what you can expect from treatment.

Treating Your Issues with Chiropractic Adjustments, Tools, and Techniques

Chiropractic treatment is hands-on. When you see a chiropractor, he or she will use their hands in a specific way to adjust and massage various parts of your body. A special force will be utilized to adjust your spine; thereby, your nervous system as a whole. In addition to the adjustment, a chiropractor may recommend or implement:

  • Corrective exercises
  • Diversified manipulation
  • Postural screenings
  • Receptor tonus technique
  • Drop table technique
  • Ultrasound
  • Spinal decompression
  • Physical therapy
  • Cold laser therapy or heat therapy
  • Lifestyle advice
  • + More

It should be noted that the aforementioned techniques are not always utilized and will only be recommended when your back pain doctor believes they will benefit you.

Factors That Affect Chiropractic Safety

Patients considering seeing a chiropractor often have questions about the safety of the treatment. These are entirely reasonable questions to ask. As a patient, you have the biggest part to play in ensuring your own wellbeing, and it is very responsible of you to ask questions about any procedures or treatments that you do not understand. In fact, you should always make sure that you are sufficiently informed before consenting to any type of treatment.

Therefore, you may be relieved to know that chiropractic adjustment is generally safe and effective for treating pain associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Claims that it helps to alleviate neck pain, back pain, and headaches are also supported by scientific research. However, that doesn’t mean that chiropractic treatment is right for everyone. The safety of chiropractic adjustment in your particular situation depends on a number of factors.

You should not receive a chiropractic adjustment from just anyone. It requires particular knowledge, skill, and experience. You should only receive an adjustment from someone trained at a chiropractic college and licensed by the state. This information may be available from state and national chiropractic professional organizations and licensing agencies. You may be able to find the information you seek online.

Another good way to find a qualified chiropractor is to ask for a referral from your primary care physician. He or she will likely be familiar with the credentials of reputable chiropractors in your area and can help you narrow down your search.

Factors Related to Your Health

For a generally healthy person, chiropractic adjustment should be safe with few or no side effects. However, some patients have underlying medical conditions that make the adjustment more risky. For example, people with osteoporosis are at increased risk for bone fractures. Forceful adjustment of the spine may result in bone breakage that could cause worse problems than the initial pain the treatment was intended to correct.

Clotting disorders can lead to life-threatening internal bleeding. Therefore, those with decreased clotting ability, including those taking anticoagulant medication, would do better to avoid chiropractic treatment to avoid the risk of internal injury. There have been a small number of well-publicized cases in which people have suffered strokes after chiropractic adjustment of the neck. Further examination usually discovered a pre-existing abnormality of blood vessels or bones in this area.

If you have a known abnormality of this kind in your neck, or an increased risk for stroke, you should avoid chiropractic treatment. If you do not have a known abnormality of this kind but still have concerns about stroke risk, you can ask your chiropractor not to perform manipulation of your neck.

A reputable Laurel, MD chiropractor will listen to your concerns and accommodate your wishes to the extent that is reasonable. Contact our office today for more information.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Senior Citizens

When you’ve reached your golden years, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from maintaining an enjoyable lifestyle. This could mean keeping up with your grandchildren, going on regular walks, or maintaining a garden. Taking care of your body is key to maintaining a good quality of life.

One way you can nourish your body is through regular chiropractic care. There are several benefits of seeing a chiropractor in Laurel, MD. If you are curious, give it a try.

Ameriwell understands the importance of living a healthy life. Chiropractors will work with you to create a session that suits your needs. You may see improvement soon after you stop by.

A Reduction In Pain

You may notice back pain more than you used to. You don’t have to write it off as your new normal. Working toward a pain-free life will help you enjoy your daily activities more.

Some adjustments facilitate pain relief. There can be a misalignment of the spine, as well as the surrounding ligaments, muscles, and tendons. There can be misalignment in other areas like arms and legs.

A chiropractor in Laurel, MD, will examine your back and other areas where you feel pain. Sometimes, getting chiropractic care in your spine will take care of it. Other times, a chiropractor will make adjustments in other areas. A chiropractic professional will assess you and come up with a plan that can help reduce pain.

An Increase in Your Range of Motion

Range of motion refers to the extent to which you can move or stretch certain muscles. It can affect your daily life in many ways. Maybe you can’t swing the golf club as far back as you used to. Reaching up to grab a cup out of the shelf could feel stiff.

You may be experiencing some stiff muscles that are misaligned. A chiropractor at Ameriwell can align your soft tissues. Next thing you know, you’ll be reaching the top shelf easily.

Decrease Your Chances of Falls

Falling is an increasing concern for the elderly. Properly aligning your muscles, ligaments, and tendons can add to your stability. Adjustments around the mechanoreceptors of your cervical spine can also further reduce your risk.

Your chiropractor may also be willing to offer a stretching and strengthening routine if you ask. Your senior days can be fulfilling, with reduced pain and added flexibility. Give a chiropractor a chance to see if you benefit from the practice.

Laurel Chiropractic Care: 5 Facts for First-Time Patients

Back pain is a common ailment for many people and in some cases, they cannot explain the source. It may come on suddenly and then grow steadily worse as time goes on. One possible path to resolving this problem is to see a Laurel, MD chiropractor and undergo an adjustment, especially if you are experiencing chronic back pain. Before you make an appointment, however, you may want to learn a few facts about chiropractic care and how you might benefit from it.

  1. Chiropractors Are Not Medical Doctors 

Any chiropractor you see has earned a degree not as a medical doctor, but as one who practices specifically in the field of chiropractic care. Most chiropractors spend about eight years earning their degrees in undergraduate and graduate programs. The training can be as rigorous as any medical program, and the actual practice requires board certification and licensing.

  1. Chiropractors Work in Many Fields 

While some chiropractors have their own private practice, these medical professionals work in many different fields of care. You can find them in sports medicine, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, and hospitals. Some have extensive training in related areas, such as weight training, nutrition, and elderly care.

  1. They May Work With Accident Victims 

Many chiropractors work with individuals who have been injured in an accident. Spinal trauma, whiplash and joint injuries are all commonly treated, and the chiropractor may work with rehabilitation specialists and doctors in some cases where the accident caused spinal bones to slip out of alignment. People involved in car accidents or serious falls may see a chiropractor during his or her recovery.

  1. They Treat More Than Spinal Issues 

Some individuals see chiropractors for problems other than lower back or neck pain. For example, many people who suffer from chronic headaches or migraines visit chiropractors for treatment, as problems with certain nerves in the neck may contribute to these issues. While they may recommend certain lifestyle changes to help reduce the number of headache days per month, chiropractors are not able to dispense medicine or any type of painkiller.

  1. Chiropractor Care Is Usually Covered By Insurance 

If you are concerned about the cost of a visit to a chiropractor, it may relieve you to know that many insurance plans cover this type of care. If you are enrolled in Medicare, you may have to cover a copay or deductible, but coverage is available in most cases. It is a good idea to contact your medical insurance representative to discuss your options before making an appointment.

Learning the facts about chiropractic care may help you feel more confident about seeking treatment. Call a local chiropractor or visit his or her website today for more information.

Laurel Chiropractor Statistics

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), approximately 35 million people in this country seek treatment from chiropractors, resulting in more than a million chiropractic adjustments performed every day.

Approximately 80 percent of patients described the chiropractic care they received as “very effective.” If you are having chronic pain issues, consider a consultation with one of our experienced chiropractors to find out what treatment options may be available for you.

Call AmeriWell Clinics to Schedule an Appointment with a Chiropractor

It is certainly possible that your chiropractor will suggest to you various dietary advice that will complement your treatment and enhance your recovery. If you are suffering from acute or chronic pain, have recurring headaches, are unable to alleviate allergies, or would just like a “body tune-up”, consider calling a chiropractor patients trust from AmeriWell Clinics.

What Happens at the Chiropractor: Adjustments Explained

If you have been referred to a chiropractor, you may be wondering what a chiropractic adjustment is. Chiropractic adjustments are the central focus of chiropractic care and medicine. Here is what you need to know.

Physical Exams Explained

At your visit to the chiropractor, you will undergo a physical exam. The exam focuses on the spine. The chiropractor will also pay attention to the areas that are tender or of the most complaint. If you have a complaint about lower back pain, then the chiropractor may perform an exam on your neck. The reason for this is because if you have a subluxation in one area, it can still cause secondary irritation elsewhere in the spine. This exam will involve a variety of different assessments.

You will have to undergo a range of motion tests, reflex testing, muscle strength tests, neurological tests and much more. It is the chiropractor’s job to decide what is causing your pain and what the best course of action will be.


Before you go to the chiropractor’s office, you probably will have already heard of chiropractic adjustments. Adjustments are therapeutic manipulations that use controlled force, leverage, amplitude and direction focused on specific joints. Adjustments involve more than opening up a joint. The chiropractor will perform an adjustment to the spine or other joints. For instance, he or she may focus on the:

  • Ankle
  • Wrist
  • Knee
  • Elbow
  • Shoulder

The reason for these adjustments is to help restore function to a person’s joints. It restores structural alignment so that you have improved joint function. It is important and necessary for proper function and proper extremity function.

Chiropractic Care Plans 

After your first chiropractic visit, a chiropractor will usually have a treatment plan in place. The treatment plan will address your issues and the necessary solutions. To form a treatment plan, the chiropractor has to take into consideration your injury and your general health. In addition, he or she will look at the condition of your spine and how it has been affected. The very last and most important thing that the treatment plan takes into consideration is what your goals are for the end of treatment. When your chiropractor suggests a treatment plan, it is fair to ask questions so that you understand the plan.

Chiropractic Safety, Its Side Effects, and You

Many fear seeing a chiropractor. News reports about spinal manipulations gone badly or rumors regarding patients whose conditions were worsened have caused them to believe that visiting one is unsafe. Much of this information is misleading or untrue. Here is some reliable knowledge regarding the risks associated with chiropractors.

Safety of Chiropractic Adjustments

Spinal manipulations are both safe and natural. In fact, chiropractic treatments are far less risky compared with those involving surgery and pain medication. Although it is a newer medical discipline, chiropractors must receive years of schooling and be licensed in order to practice. A wide array of measures is used to protect patients from unintentional harm. It is estimated that 63 million Americans have seen a chiropractor in the last five years. Many of these informed citizens visit chiropractors regularly and do not experience any negative side effects.

Major Potential Side Effects of Chiropractic Adjustments

It’s true that serious trauma can occur from chiropractic treatments. These include nerve compression, herniated or slipped discs, and vertebral artery dissection, which is a type of stroke associated with neck manipulations. However, it is extremely rare that problems of this magnitude arise. Critical conditions are more likely to occur in patients with serious health conditions, such as unusual bone structure or spinal cancer.

Minor Potential Side Effects of Chiropractic Adjustments

Patients visit chiropractors to relieve specific areas of pain and improve their overall health. Even when these desirable outcomes are delivered, the positives are sometimes accompanied by minor discomfort, usually in the form of:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

Typically, these side effects are temporary and decrease with subsequent sessions. None of them are life-threatening. Soreness is another likely result. Applying an ice pack to the affected area can help quicken relief.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Consider the upsides of receiving chiropractic treatments. Chiropractors can ease many types of pain, especially those experienced in the neck and back. The symptoms of osteoarthritis can be reduced. For some, the frequency and intensity of headaches are improved. Seeing a chiropractor is more affordable than surgery and perfect for scoliosis sufferers as well as athletes looking for an edge. Patients dependent upon opioids to treat their discomfort may be able to reduce their reliance on harmful medications.

By any reasonable measure, receiving chiropractic treatments comes without serious danger. The many upsides far outweigh the risks. If you could benefit from having your back or spine professionally manipulated, know that therapeutic sessions are virtually risk-free.

Seven Don’ts After a Chiropractic Adjustment

You may have heard all the things you should do after an adjustment from your chiropractor in Laurel, MD. Hydrate. Rest for 24-48 hours. Slowly resume normal activities. On the other hand, do you know what you shouldn’t do? Here are seven don’ts after a chiropractic adjustment.

Don’t Use Heat on New Injuries

After your adjustment, you may be tempted to use heat on your sore muscles. Don’t; it would increase the inflammation and cause swelling. Use ice instead, 15 minutes at a time, three to four times a day.

Don’t Carry Things Incorrectly

After your Ameriwell chiropractor in Laurel, MD has adjusted your spine, you don’t want to undo all her hard work by carrying things the wrong way. Whatever you’re carrying, hold it close to your body with both hands. Don’t stretch your arms out to carry it — that can cause strain on your back.

Don’t Participate in High-impact Exercise

You should definitely exercise after an adjustment, but high-impact exercise like running or Crossfit could throw your spine out of whack. Enjoy bicycling, walking, using the elliptical machine or swimming after your adjustment.

Don’t Bend Over

If you need to get something off the floor, squat with your back straight. Your chiropractor in Laurel, MD, can demonstrate the proper technique and make sure you know what it feels like. If you bend over to pick something up, you’re putting strain on your lower back.

Don’t Lift Heavy Things

Use the buddy system to lift heavy things or things that are awkward to carry. This isn’t the time to be self-sufficient. You could seriously injure yourself if you tried to carry something heavy by yourself.

Don’t Spend Too Much Time Sitting

If your job involves a lot of sitting down, consider getting a standing desk or a kneeling chair. A standing desk is ideal because the human body is designed to move, and when you’re standing, you’re in motion shifting your balance, shuffling your feet and flexing and relaxing your leg muscles. A kneeling chair takes a lot of pressure off your spine, transferring it to your shins instead. Your Ameriwell chiropractor in Laurel, MD may have recommendations based on your particular case.

Don’t Sleep Face-down

Sleeping face-down can cause undue strain on your neck and upper back. You’re better off sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with a pillow between your knees. Both positions allow your back to relax and recover.

Call AmeriWell Clinics Today

There are a lot of people who worry about chiropractic adjustments. This is often because they do not understand what the adjustments entail. For more information about adjustments, contact AmeriWell Clinics to schedule an appointment with a Maryland chiropractor in Laurel today.

Chiropractor Laurel, MD

With so many misconceptions out there it can be hard to know what is the truth when it comes to seeing a chiropractor in Laurel, MD. The goal of a chiropractor is to help you and when it comes to myths our goal is to help you weed out the truth from the lies. Sadly, when a myth is so widespread it can be accepted as a fact, even if there is little truth to back it up.

If you’ve heard some of the following myths you aren’t the only one. Here are some of the most common myths that you could come across. 

  • Having an Adjustment by a Chiropractor is Not Safe 

The truth is that having an adjustment is safer than most of your day-to-day activities. However, just like any medical intervention and procedure, there are some risks involved. The risks are really low though. It is actually safer than any other treatment for back pain out there. The biggest side effect that you could face is some soreness.

Despite this, there is still some worry. It has been found in extremely rare instances that aggressive neck adjustments can cause a stroke. This is very rare though, and it is highly unlikely to happen. 

  • After Your First Visit, You’re Stuck For Life 

Every treatment plan is going to vary. However, it is ultimately up to you to decide how often you go. This myth was probably started because people often visit chiropractors for routine care. Depending on why you need to see a chiropractor is going to determine the length of your treatment plan.

If your pain is chronic you may need to see one on a regular basis with the goal of preventing a flair-up of pain. It all depends on you though and if you are happy with a few sessions and feel better then you may not need further treatment.


  • Adjustments Hurt

Some people automatically assume that a chiropractic adjustment is painful because of the popping and cracking sounds that often occur. These sounds don’t signify pain though. They are caused by air and gas moving through the fluid in your joints as your joints are manipulated. Think of it like popping your knuckles. The truth is an adjustment is often a pain reliever rather than something that causes pain.

The worst-case scenario is you are going to be a little sore after, kind of like if you had a rough workout. It is important to give yourself time to recover and keep hydrated after an adjustment or risk putting yourself out of alignment again. Many people are shocked by the rejuvenating sensation that follows a chiropractic adjustment the first time they have one.

There are plenty of myths out there about chiropractors but hopefully, this puts your mind at ease for the top 3 most common ones. If you are looking for a chiropractor in Laurel, MD then reach out to the AmeriWell Clinics for more information about how to start feeling better today.

Client Review

“5 stars across the board. The staff is amazing. Especially Cynthia, who has helped me from the beginning of my recovery and sought through to the end. Thank you so much!”
Jose Benitez