Different Types of Physical Therapy Part One
Don’t let the reality that you’re in need of physical therapy in Falls Church, VA, such as from AmeriWell Clinics, hit you too late. The longer you wait to see a qualified physical therapist, the longer your recovery time and the more sessions you’ll need, potentially. Fortunately, a physical therapist near you is easily accessible and ready to work with you.
Physical therapists are sometimes called PTs and physiotherapists. Not surprisingly, another name for physical therapy is “physiotherapy,” so you may want to look it up under that name, too, if you’d like to schedule an appointment. But before you set an appointment, you’d probably like to know a few things. Like, what are the different types of physical therapy and which one do you need?
In this blog, we’ll cover two main types of physiotherapy: orthopedic and pediatric.
Orthopedic Therapy
Orthopedics is the study of bone and muscle deformities. Thus, orthopedics focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and correction of bone disorders, joint problems, and tendon and ligament issues. Like PTs, orthopedics can help you if you have problems like knee problems, hamstring injuries, scoliosis, and arthritis.
However, the bonus of seeing a physical therapist for therapy in your area is that a PT can be trained in orthopedic medicine. Orthopedic medicine is in keeping with a PT’s training in musculoskeletal treatment, such as repairing the movement and functionality of joints, tendons, muscles, and bones. The strength training you stand to gain from physical therapy sessions is bound to produce great benefits. PTs will develop a targeted exercise regimen and apply electric stimulation and/or hot and cold therapy.
In other words, physiotherapy sessions are well worth it if you are recovering from orthopedic ailments.
Pediatric Therapy
Pediatrics is the study of children’s diseases. Don’t let that description fool you–you can see a podiatrist until you’re 22. Pediatric care specializes in preventing, assessing, reducing and treating health conditions commonly found in adolescents. These acute and chronic diseases can be tended to by a reputable physical therapist. That’s right! Regular physical therapy, such as from AmeriWell Clinics, can do wonders to help your pediatric needs.
Pediatric physical therapy focuses on your child’s motor skills, balance, and sensory. If your child has a condition like Epidermolysis Bullosa, consider having them visit a PT near you. An individualized physiotherapy plan can reduce their injuries, help get them on track with their peers.
As you know, it’s imperative that your child reaches certain learning milestones at specific ages. However, health conditions may make this challenging or seemingly impossible. Thankfully, there is physiotherapy for children with Epidermolysis Bullosa and other conditions. During these sessions and at-home exercises, a PT will:
- Identify safe mobility options
- Develop lessons to optimize your child’s ability to engage with society
- Improve your child’s ability to lift and hold weight
- Support ambulation endurance, and more.
If you’re uncertain of which physical therapy you need, consult with a specialist from AmeriWell Clinics.